Thursday, June 20, 2013

What To Expect At Your Unemployment Hearing

If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having to defend yourself against an eligibility appeal filed for Allied Barton, then you have a limited time period in which you need to gather evidence and/or witnesses in your defense. I say "for" Allied Barton and not "by" Allied Barton because, Allied Barton won't dirty their hands in this matter. They have a corporate specialist do the initial dirty work. They file the appeal based on the information that they get from your account manager and the HR department. You can begin to see now that complaining to HR won't get you anywhere, but you should just to have it on the record. In my California case, Allied Barton used a company called Corporate Cost Control out of Londonderry, NH to start the appeal process in which I received a packet from the Appeals Board with a Notice of Hearing with date, place, and time. Also included are the issues and intimidating language with unfamiliar codes like Section 1257(a) Section 1256, etc. Code definitions can be found on your State's employment development department's website.
Now is the time to gather up you notes, CYA file, and a list of witnesses, if any. Got a witness that won't come to the hearing and they have information to help support your case, you can have them subpoenaed. But ask the person first if they will come to the hearing before you contact the Office of Appeals.
Read your Office of Appeals pamphlet that comes with your hearing packet.
Very important! Take the time to research the section code numbers and learn their meaning. This is what you are being charged with to deny your claim! This will give you valuable insight as to what the hearing is about. Another big point. Call the Office of Appeals a few days before your hearing and ask if you can view the hearing file BEFORE your hearing date. This varies from State to State. I was able to review my file just before my hearing. IT PAYS TO GET THERE EARLY! Review your notes, gather your composure, show no emotion (I know it's hard), address the judge as "your Honor".
And most of all come prepared. Have all of your paperwork and papers that you wish to present to the judge.
When you enter the meeting room you will have your former account manager and HR manager sitting directly across the table from you. The judge sits at the head of the table. Both sides are sworn in and your hearing begins! Speak clearly and directly to the judge. If you have a problem with a question you can ask the judge for help.
This is what I went through. Your situation my be different.
Good luck in your fight!

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