Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Allied Barton Won't Pay Unemployment!

For me to take the time and effort to start and maintain this blog reflects my anger and disbelief that a large corporation would go to such lengths to squash an individual. Denying my right to unemployment benefits is a very low act coming from a corporate employer that wants to portray itself as just, honest, and doing good for it's employees. Their fancy staged videos of scripted testimonials from misguided employees and social media spin of words are a smokescreen to convince prospective clients to contract for their services. An opportunity of false hope. A deceptive lure to those jobseekers that are vulnerable and will do almost anything to get employment.
I hope that by sharing my experience with having to face the unemployment department's hearing board, sitting directly across from my former operations manager and HR manager, will encourage others to fight back against Allied Barton for the unconscionable practices and games that they use to attempt to ruin peoples lives and livelihoods.
As this is an ongoing case, I can only report so much as I'm sure that Allied Barton's social media snoops will find this blog. I can say that I do not have an attorney and that I'm gathering information on the law through the internet. I have successfully won my first round with the unemployment department, but I have to go back as Allied Barton filed another appeal that almost got by me. I'm currently waiting for another hearing date. Still unemployed. And using up all of my resources.
After the appeals are exhausted, then I can give full details on how I was able to fight Allied Barton!

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